moinot ghat in Chinese
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- ghat
- n. 〔印度英语〕 1.山路;〔pl.〕 山脉(尤指印度南部沿海的山脉)。 2.(上下码头、浴场等的)石阶。 短语和例子 a burning ghat 河旁边的火葬场。
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- bahadurbad ghat
- 巴哈杜拉巴德卡德
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- bhatiapara ghat
- 帕蒂亚巴拉卡德
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What is the meaning of moinot ghat in Chinese and how to say moinot ghat in Chinese? moinot ghat Chinese meaning, moinot ghat的中文,moinot ghat的中文,moinot ghat的中文,translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by